Californian Massage Basic Training

Learn this powerful massage technique by Esalen trained teacher Sujati. This is a deep and personal process as well as a comprehensive training in Californian Massage.

Family Constellation

A workshop designed to help reveal the hidden dynamics in our systemic relating in order to heal and transform them.

Cellular Transformation Circle

In CT circles we sit together in a sacred space to learn, collectively and individually, to tap into the creative intelligence of the Universe.

Cellular Transformation Circle #3

In CT circles we sit together in a sacred space to learn, collectively and individually, to tap into the creative intelligence of the Universe.

Relating Consciously Retreat

Through systemic work we can find the truth that hides behind any discomfort (anxieties, guilt, insecurities, diseases, relationship problems), bringing it into the light, recognising it and finding a solution.

Man-in retreat

Men gather to create and support a strong, collective presence with a unified intention to scratch below the surface and ask ourselves what stops us from really showing up in our lives.

Cellular Transformation Circle #2

In CT circles we sit together in a sacred space to learn, collectively and individually, to tap into the creative intelligence of the Universe.